i have had a series of alarming dreams over the last several months, which on the surface seem unrelated but my feeling is that they are definitely connected.

dream #1 (multiple variations of this one occurred)
i'm either watching floodwaters rise in our yard or preparing a trailer for a massive tidal wave. in the first type i'm standing in the yard holding a baby and the water just slowly seeps up, rising steadily up the fence and i'm not suprised but i'm sort of annoyed/confused that it's happening now, and i know we can't get away. in the other type i'm trying to find a good spot to put a small trailer and anchor it down so the water that is coming won't wash it away, but my sense is that it's hopeless.

dream #2
i'm laying in a field at night, watching fireworks in the sky, but they are like acid-trip neon fractals instead of normal fireworks--someone is with me--and a few seconds after everything stops there is this intense non-sound, like a BOOM but you can't hear it, and directly above me, out of nowhere, manifests a massive alien spacecraft. the sense of total earth-shattering shock and bewilderment is overwhelming, though i am not necessarily afraid. it just totally changes everything in a split second and i feel like my brain is overloaded. i woke up immediately.

dream #3
i had this dream just a few days or a week ago, but the details have faded other than the key point. i'm looking up into a dusk-like sky at a huge moon, and next to it is another equally huge astronomical body, like a second moon. one is reddish pink and the other is tinged yellow. it's literally like looking at two moons in one sky, only they are much bigger than they should be. my feeling is of shock and wild alarm because i know what it means--we're around the corner from massive earth changes, maybe within a few weeks if not less (in the dream).

i'm wondering what the next one will be like... there have been others, only vaguely remembered or questionably related, mostly involving me consulting with or being on ships of alien-types. really weird stuff...

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